Posts Tagged: Bike Advocacy

Save the Grotto!

It looks like after having trails at The Grotto for the last 16 years they will now be plowed due to a complaint from one neighbor. I know a lot of locals have put many, many hours into building and maintaining these trails. Having the trails there has helped reduce crime in the area and given people a place to ride. This is very important as bikes are banned or not welcome at many of the local skateparks.

Although I am not a trails rider and this site is mainly focused on flatland I felt we had to post this story to get the word out to as many people as possible.

For more information about the trails and what is going on there check out the following links:

Goods BMX Blog – Save the Grotto!

Goods BMX Blog – Channel 8 news coverage on the Grotto – BMX riders rally to save jump trails near The Grotto

ESPN – Exclusive: Grotto Trails Vid