Posts Tagged: Interview

Space Ark Interview Update on Flatlandish

I create even more confusion by just launching into the interview. The lovely Nana helped smooth things over in both languages.

Anthony at Space Ark

Anthony over at Flatandish just got back from Japan and he has an update on his blog about the Space Ark interview he did for Flatweb TV while he was there.

Sounds like it didn’t go as smoothly as he had hoped but knowing Anthony I am sure he did a great job.

I am excited to see the interview and more photos from his trip. I love bike shops and Space Ark seems like a really cool one. Hopefully I will get to Japan one of these days and visit it myself.

For more on Anthony and the interview check out Flatlandish.


KOG SPACEARKの仲間たち+タマオ from shinichi kiba on Vimeo.
