Posts Tagged: Pro Flatland Riders

The Launch of The AM (American) Flatland Circuit

I try not to repost too much content from other sites but I just saw this on Global-Flat and wanted to help get the word out about this to as many people as possible. Events and contents like this are so important for riders in North America. If you can please participate and support these events.

AM Flatland CircuitIn 2011 the AM Flatland Circuit will be reorganized as the AM (American) Flatland Circuit with the addition of a Pro Series. Having two divisions within the circuit, the Am Series and the Pro Series, allows for an established ranking system for Pro Flatland Riders.

The AM Flatland Circuit was started to help create much needed structure within the BMX Flatland community in North America. AM Flatland Circuit Founder Steve Lapsley states “having a legitimate ranking system is something riders have been wanting. There wasn’t a system in place that would help guide amateur riders from the beginner level to the professional level”. With the initial launch of the AM Flatland Circuit in 2010 an amateur ranking system was established where an Expert and Master Champion were crowned at year end. “The addition of a Pro Circuit is the natural progression” says Lapsley.

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