Posts Tagged: Huffington Post

FlatWeb TV Interview and SpaceArk: The Story

There is lots going on over at FlatWeb TV this week. Both of them are doing a great job over there. Very inspiring. Keep up the good work guys.

First off Effraim posted a great interview with Anthony and Justin over at Flatmatters:

FlatWebTV: The interview

We’ve all been waiting for this one since Anthony came back from Japan and now the SpaceArk video and interview is up. Love this.

Space Ark : The Story

On a serious note after the terrible disaster that hit Japan this week our thoughts and prayers go out to the people there. If you would like to help the relief efforts click on any of the following clicks to find out what you can do:

Of course there are many more organizations working hard to help. The Huffingtion Post has a more detailed list if you are interested:

How To Help Japan: Earthquake Relief Options

Japan and Beyond: Advice for Donating After Disasters